Do you want to learn more?
I write a weekly blog on topics related to healing in body, soul, and spirit. You can subscribe using the button below or read my latest blogs in each category by scrolling down the page.

✓ Healthy Body
✓ Healthy Soul
✓ Healthy Spirit

Do you struggle with:
- Feeling (or knowing) that your body is not in the condition God intended for you?
- Feeling (or knowing) that your soul–your mind, will, and emotions–is out-of-whack in some way?
- Feeling that your spirit is disconnected, from God or others?
Maybe something I’ve written will help!

A healthy, fit body
The Bible describes our bodies as temples for our spirit. Here are my thoughts about how to keep your temple in the best condition possible.

A healthy, fit soul
Your soul–your mind, emotions, and will–is designed to be led by your spirit. When your soul tries to lead your spirit, life can go off-track. I talk about what that can look like and how to fix it.

A healthy, fit spirit
A healthy spirit is connected to God’s Holy Spirit and leads your soul and body in harmony. I discuss what life looks like when that is not happening and what to do about it.

Hello! My name is Jeanie Hosken, and I write for people who want to become healthier in their body, soul, spirit, and relationships. They are looking for practical, loving advice that is effective over the long term, not a short-term “fix”.
As a registered dietitian with two master’s degrees, one in counseling and one in divinity, and with decades of experience helping people to heal and lead a life of freedom, I am fully qualified to write about these topics.
I invite you to become part of a community of people who are on a similar journey. As you will see, I write in an open, transparent, vulnerable way. As I share my journey, I aim to create a community of like-minded people. You don’t have to be perfect to join us, you simply need to be looking for more—better health, better relationships, or a deeper connection with God and with others. If that is you, I’d love to have you join us!
Download our Free Guide:
How Should My Body, Soul, and Spirit Interact?